The Butcher Baldacci macelleria+ristorante Livorno

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Butcher’s shop + restaurant
The Butcher Baldacci è una macelleria molto particolare. Infatti è anche ristorante!
Via Giovanni Marradi, 42/44
57125 Livorno LI


Phone/Telefono: +39 0586 014718
Cell Phone: +39 329 105 3257

Orari di apertura / Opening Hours:

Monday/Lunedì 08–14, 17–20
Tuesday/martedì 08–14, 17–20
Wednesday/mercoledì 08–14, 17–20
Thursday/giovedì 08–14, 17–22
Friday/venerdì 08–14, 17–22
Saturday/sabato 08–14, 17–22
Sunday/domenica Chiuso

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I. W. S.

Igor W. is deeply web experience. He's expertise is on the internet and apps for iOS iPhone, iPad & Android., New Media , Technology and Publishing. Among the various activities has published a book about Bitcoin and the Deep Web, Darkweb and Bitcoin, la nuova era della rete

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